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How to Write Product Descriptions

Getting product descriptions right is key because the product page is where your shopper chooses between “buy” and “bye-bye”.

Our Philosophy — The Job of Product Description

I’m constantly looking for great descriptions, and I found a good one here. Here’s why I love it. If you’re on 🖥️ click the image below to see a zoomed view.

When writing your product description, it’s all about the shopper. You know all this stuff about your product, but you have one all-important question to answer:

That’s what you should write—nothing more.

This means you have to know your audience, anticipate their needs and concerns and write for them. Your product description is really a sales pitch.

Now, there’s a lot of advice out there for writing product descriptions, and we’ve tried them all. What we’ve found is that nothing beats having a system that works. A reliable system based on universal truths about online shoppers lets you write descriptions that sell—100% of the time.

Product Descriptions – The Target

When we write copy, we’re writing for one specific group of people. But first, here’s the breakdown of your site visitors.

The Never Buyers

Ignore these people. They’re not interested enough for you to be interested.

Those Leaning in With Interest and Buying

What’s your current conversion rate? That’s them. Keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll have them.

Those Leaning in With Interest but not Buying

product descriptions
leaning in with interest

The gold mine. This is who we write for. We know they’re interested because they’re engaging with your content—they’re reading your product description in full, watching your videos, viewing your gallery and reading your reviews. But something’s missing. Writing product descriptions for them is how we achieve:

20 percent bump in conversions in 90 days

Product Descriptions – The Frictionless Way

So how do we do it?

First, here’s what we DON’T do.

We don’t overhaul your product page. Why? Because we don’t want to disturb those who are already buying.

Instead, we use a 3 step process that converts your most important group of visitors without disturbing your current customers. The aim is to help them find the piece of information that gets them sailing over the edge and hitting BUY.

Step 1: Map out Strategic Locations

We place subtle CTAs in high-visibility locations on your product page. Here’s an example for a hypothetical client. We’ve attached red arrows so it’s easy to spot where we’d place the CTAs.

example CTA placement

Step 2: Build the Sales Pitch

When they click one of our CTAs, the rest of them disappear. Then, they see a powerful sales pitch that’s been custom-built to convert.

We have a solid formula for building our pitches based on the 9 Truths About Online Shoppers.

Step 3: Find the Winning Pitch

Our 9 truths formula allows us to build many sales pitches. But we don’t know which is the best, so…

product descriptions
we ab test dozens of copy variations to find which flavor works best for your product page

To see the 3 steps in action, check out this article.


This concept isn’t a theoretical framework. It’s the base formula for all our conversion work for clients. This marketing framework can be used to boost sales for sports products. To sell skincare productsPet productsConsumer electronicsAthletic gearBack pain solutionsFood items.

However, it can also convert cold Facebook ad traffic, improve mobile conversion ratesgenerate calls, optimize your most important landing pageetc.

It can even be used to improve your overall conversion rates.

Want to try it out for yourself? Drop me a comment, and I’ll show you how.


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